Well, yesterday concluded my month of meals. I took some time to reflect and evaluate my diet and life. Here are some thoughts I've had and some improvements I'd like to make.
1. I eat a lot of eggs! Most mornings are just eggs or a recipe that contains eggs. Eggs are an inexpensive protein and easy to prepare, my family will eat them any day for any meal, no one seems to be sensitive to them in my family. That being said, I might try to find some "egg free" breakfasts to throw in the mix.
2. I am constantly on the go. I think I need to have more "grab & go" type things around. It seems that I only have nuts and tea with me when shopping lately. I'm thinking that cutting and packaging some fresh veggies and making some homemade larabars and more chia pudding would be a good game plan.
3. I am blessed by the people around me. Many times this month I mentioned eating out with someone or going somewhere. These are some of the things that make life great! Great motivation to stay healthy and eat well. Might I add that not one person I have been with has been critical of my food choices, being surrounded by supportive friends/family is an encouragement!
4. This has been a bit of a "boring" food month. I tend to be a bit more of an adventurous cook, but being gone so much can make that difficult. I hope to try some more interesting recipes. Send me a link if there is a recipe that peaks your interest & you want me to give it a test run.